The ‘Butit’s just a misdemeanor’ demeanor, implying that the charges are not that serious and the punishments not that severe are typically incorrect. Aside from potential jail time, any criminal conviction can greatly impact your life. You need to be informed and understand the impact of the decision you make regarding your criminal case. Hiring a criminal attorney might be the best ‘career’ move you ever made.

Consider this:

1. A criminal conviction will substantially decrease your likelihood of getting a job;

2. Fines assessed without any consideration as to your ability to pay;

3. If an immigrant, you may be deported – leaving your family and friends behind;

4. Embarassment;

5. Ineligibility for Student Loans;

6. Expelled from school;

7. Denied professional licenses;

8. Loss of Public Housing;

9. Loss of food stamps

The list goes on. Regardless of the criminal charge, you should always at least speak with an attorney about your criminal case. If you have been charged with any criminal offense in Nashville or a surrounding county, contact our office immediately.