Our criminal attorneys handle all types of cases in Ashland City Court, including DUI, drug possession and assault related cases. If you have been charged with a crime in Ashland City, contact our criminal lawyers for a consultation about your case.
About Ashland City Court
Ashland City court is a court with General Sessions jurisdiction, which means it has the authority to handle the same types of cases as a General Sessions court. With respect to criminal charges, it means that the court can resolve any court with a misdemeanor disposition. Any cases which require a felony as a disposition are resolved in Cheatham County Circuit Court.
The Judge in Ashland City Court is the Honorable James W. Stinnett, Jr.
Ashland City Court is located directly behind the historic courthouse and adjacent to the firehall. The address is 101 Court Street, PO Box 36, Ashland City, TN, 37015.
What do I wear to court?
You can never be overdressed. Your dress should reflect that your care about your case and that you understand the seriousness of the case.
Dress your best. For gentlemen, a collared shirt and some type of nice slacks. Do not wear t-shirts and do not wear shorts.
For ladies, do not wear anything which would be considered inappropriate at church.
Directions to Ashland City Court
From I – 40 West (Nashville)
Take I – 40 W towardss Memphis
Take ramp to Exit 204A (Briley Parkway/TN-155N)
Take ramp to Exit 24 (TN-12) and turn left at the top of the ramp.
Stay on TN-12 for approximately 13 miles into Ashland City, TN. The courthouse is located on the right.

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259