The General Sessions Court for Cheatham County is located in the county seat of Ashland City, TN, on the 2nd floor of the courthouse.
Address: 100 Public Square, Suite 223, Ashland City, Tennesseee, 37215.
About Cheatham County General Sessions Court
General Sessions courts in Tennessee have the authority to resolve criminal cases which result in a misdemeanor disposition. For example, if you were charged with the possession of marijuana with the intent to sell, it is a felony. If the District Attorney were willing to reduce the charge to a simple possession, it could be resolved in General Sessions. If they were not, the case must go to the Circuit Court of Cheatham County in order to be resolved.
Judge: Phillip A. Maxey
What do I wear to court?
You can never be overdressed. Your dress should reflect that your care about your case and that you understand the seriousness of the case.
Dress your best. For gentlemen, a collared shirt and some type of nice slacks. Do not wear t-shirts and do not wear shorts.
For ladies, do not wear anything which would be considered inappropriate at church.
Directions to the courthouse in Ashland City, Tennessee
From I – 40 West (Nashville)
Take I – 40 W towardss Memphis
Take ramp to Exit 204A (Briley Parkway/TN-155N)
Take ramp to Exit 24 (TN-12) and turn left at the top of the ramp.
Stay on TN-12 for approximately 13 miles into Ashland City, TN. The courthouse is located on the right.

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259