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Generally, appearance is required for all citations received at Bonnaroo. There are however some criminal citations which may be able to be resolved without a court appearance. Contact our office to discuss your situation.

What do I need to do to resolve this favorably?

Contact a Tennessee criminal defense lawyer to discuss the nature of the charge. The most commonly cited offense at Bonnaroo, by far, is Bonnaroo 2017 Citationsimple possession. There are ways of ensuring this stays off of your permanent criminal record, but you will need the assistance of a Tennessee attorney.

Am I facing jail time?

Probably not, if you received a citation. Citations are reserved for individuals who have little or no criminal history and who are being charged with misdemeanor offenses.

What if I cannot make the court date they gave me?

Hire an attorney. Your lawyer can generally appear on your behalf at the first court date. You will however need to appear with your lawyer for the second court date.

Every case has a different set of facts and a separate analysis. If you’ve received a criminal citation, feel free to call our office and speak with one of our Tennessee criminal lawyers about your situation.

You can contact our Criminal Attorneys in Nashville at 615-829-8259