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Drug Possession in Tennessee
Common Defenses
Most drug offenses rise and fall on constitutional issues and more specifically, the Fourth Amendment which provides the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Drug interdiction officers routinely patrol Tennessee highways and interstates and therefore vehicle stop issues are some of the most common issues examined. Many cases also involve the use of Confidential Informants, or “C.I.”‘s to obtain search warrants. The C.I.’s credibility and information provided must be closely examined to determined whether the warrant was valid. These issues demand a high level of understanding and each case needs to be carefully scrutinized by a defense attorney.
What is a likely sentence for a drug conviction in Tennessee?
In determining the possible punishment and exposure for a conviction there are several factors to be considered and weighed. Most obviously, the classification of the drug charge. Simple Possession, for example and regardless of the type of drug, is a Class A Misdemeanor and is punishable by up to 11 months, 29 days in jail. Felony drug crimes are classified based on the schedule of the drug, the amount of the drug, and the possible sentencing range depends on the number of prior felony convictions of the person charged.
Many courts offer eligible drug crime offenders unique sentence alternatives through Drug Court. Drug Courts across Tennessee serve to assist those struggling with addiction and serve as an acknowledgment that incarceration is not always the most productive or efficient punishment.
Is there anyway to keep this off my record without going to trial?
Possibly. Certain offenders may be eligible for Pre-Trial or Judicial Diversion. Click here for information about Diversion in Tennessee.
Drug charges in Tennessee carries serious consequences if you are convicted. If you are facing any drug charge in Tennessee, you should always consult with a drug defense attorney about your case and discuss possible defenses. There are a number of factors which may enhance the seriousness of the drug charge, such as if the crime was committed with 1,000 feet of a school zone.
It is very important to have an experienced criminal defense lawyer examine your case, the facts and discuss with you what defenses you may have and whether you qualify for any alternative sentencing. Our criminal defense attorneys include a former prosecutor and have handled hundreds of drug cases. Call our criminal attorneys today for a case evaluation about the drug charges you face in Nashville or a surrounding county. Contact our drug defense attorneys today at (615) 829 – 8259.
Tennessee Drug Laws / More Information
Simple Possession
Possession with Intent
Sale of a Controlled Substance

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259