Talk to a DUI Defense Lawyer Now: (615) 829 – 8259
What is a Felony DUI in Tennessee?
A fourth DUI conviction in Tennessee is a Class E Felony.
What are the punishments for a Felony DUI in Tennessee?
Conviction for a 4th DUI offense in Tennessee carries the following potential punishment:
– Minimum 150 days in jail to be served day for day (maximum jail time dependent upon the sentencing range of the offender)
– Maximum $15,000 Fine
– Loss of drivers license for eight (8) years
The above list encompasses only some of the possible punishment directly related to the DUI conviction itself. There are many other rights which are also lost when you become a convicted felon, including the loss of the right to own a firearm.
If you are facing a felony DUI, you likely understand the importance of hiring a great DUI attorney. Our DUI Attorneys in Nashville will provide a full factual and legal analysis of the case and fight to obtain the best possible outcome for your DUI charge. If you’ve been charged with felony DUI in Nashville or anywhere in Middle Tennessee, contact our DUI attorneys immediately for a free case evaluation.

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259