Sumner County – Gallatin, TN Court Locations
Sumner County General Sessions Court Address: 117 W Smith St, Gallatin, TN 37066
Sumner County Criminal Court Address: 117 W Smith St, Gallatin, TN 37066 (Same building, however enter on the S Water St. side of the building)
Have your criminal attorneys handled many cases in Sumner County?
Yes. Sumner County and Gallatin being one of the larger suburbs of Nashville, our criminal defense attorneys practice frequently in both Sumner County General Sessions and Sumner County Criminal Court.
Am I going to jail if I have been charged in Sumner County?
Answering this question entirely depends on the nature of the charge however Sumner County is one of the more reasonable counties to work in for defense attorneys.
My friend said he was charged with the same thing in Nashville and received on a slap on the wrist. Is that likely to happen in my Sumner County case?
It is very important to understand that every county treats cases differently. This is due to a number of reasons, including the varying facts of each case and the types of crime that might be more prevalent in a particular area. For example, reckless driving charges for a period of time were more difficult to resolve when Sumner County experienced problems with motorcylist racing along Vietnam Veterans. As mentioned before, Sumner County overall is a very reasonable place for defense attorneys and the District Attorney’s office tends to consider all facts when making offers to resolve cases.
Do I need a lawyer for my case in Gallatin?
Having a lawyer always puts you in the best position to resolve a case favorably. If you have been charged with DUI, Drug Possession, Assault, Domestic Assault, or any other criminal offense in Gallatin, Hendersonville, or Goodlettsville, TN, contact our criminal lawyers today for a free consultation.

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259