Our criminal attorneys frequently defend people charged with crimes in Murfreesboro, including DUI, reckless driving, drug possession and assault related cases. If you have been charged with a crime in Murfreesboro, or Rutherford County, contact our lawyers for a consultation about your case.
About Rutherford County General Sessions
Rutherford County General Sessions has jurisdiction to resolve misdemeanor offenses. Any felony offenses in which the district attorney will not agree to reduce to a misdemeanor, must be resolved in Rutherford County Criminal Court.
Rutherford County General Sessions Address:
116 W Lytle St
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37130
What do I wear to court?
You can never be overdressed. Your attire should reflect that your care about your case and that you understand the seriousness of the case.
Dress your best. For gentlemen, a collared shirt and some type of nice slacks. Do not wear t-shirts and do not wear shorts. Most courts will not permit you into the courtroom wearing shorts.
For ladies, wear conservative clothing.

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259