Regarding Confidentiality
You should know that our Tennessee lawyers understand the sensitivity of this type of charge. When returning calls from messages by email or phone, we will not disclose the reason we are calling until we have confirmed that whom we are speaking with is the person who has contacted us. We handle all cases with sensitivity, but particularly these types of charges.
About Patronizing Prostitution in Tennessee
Patronizing prostitution in Tennessee an offense which has the potential to carry much more than criminal sanctions. Being charged with prostitution, patronizing prostitution or any other related criminal offense in Tennessee can have a lasting effect on your family, career and yourself. In Tennessee, both the criminal charges of prostitution and patronizing prostitution is generally a Class B misdemeanor, however under certain circumstances can be bumped to a Class A misdemeanor and even require a mandatory 7 days incarceration along with a minimum fine of $1,000.00. The charges of promoting prostitution and of aggravated prostitution are both felonies in Tennessee. [pullquote]Having the charge dismissed means we can file a petition for expungement for the removal of the case from your record.[/pullquote]
Backpage or Craigslist stings are very common in Nashville and are executed routinely. Each case is dependent on its circumstances and results are never guaranteed, however there are frequently ways of resolving cases quickly with the ultimate disposition being a dismissal and our ability to file a petition for expungement to remove the case and it’s existence from your record. An expungment means the file itself is destroyed and any computer entries within the clerk’s office regarding the case are deleted. Each case is different and it is critical you have a Tennessee criminal attorney analyze the facts of your specific situation.
If you have been charged with prostitution, patronizing prostitution, promoting prostitution or any other related criminal offense in Nashville, Tennessee or a surrounding county, feel free to contact our office for a free case evaluation by one of our criminal attorneys in Nashville. Our Nashville criminal attorneys understand the sensitivity of these types of charges and will work to resolve your case as favorably and confidentially as possible.
Tennessee Prostitution Laws
Tennessee Code Annotated 39-13-512 (Prostitution – Definitions)
(1) “House of prostitution” means any place where prostitution or the promotion of prostitution is regularly carried on by one (1) or more persons under the control, management or supervision of another;
(2) “Inmate” means, within the meaning of this part concerning prostitution, a person who engages in prostitution in or through the agency of a house of prostitution;
(3) “Patronizing prostitution” means soliciting or hiring another person with the intent that the other person engage in prostitution, or entering or remaining in a house of prostitution for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity;
(4) “Promoting prostitution” means:
(A) Owning, controlling, managing, supervising, or in any way keeping, alone or in association with others, a business for the purpose of engaging in prostitution, or a house of prostitution;
(B) Procuring an inmate for a house of prostitution;
(C) Encouraging, inducing, or otherwise purposely causing another to become a prostitute;
(D) Soliciting a person to patronize a prostitute;
(E) Procuring a prostitute for a patron; or
(F) Soliciting, receiving, or agreeing to receive any benefit for engaging in any of the activities defined in subdivisions (4)(A)-(E);
(5) “Prostitution” means engaging in, or offering to engage in, sexual activity as a business or being an inmate in a house of prostitution or loitering in a public place for the purpose of being hired to engage in sexual activity; and
(6) “Sexual activity” means any sexual relations including homosexual sexual relations.
Tennessee Code Annotated 39-13-513 (Prostitution)
(a) A person commits an offense under this section who engages in prostitution.
(b) (1) Prostitution is a Class B misdemeanor.
(2) Prostitution committed within one hundred feet (100 feet) of a church or within one and one-half (1½) miles of a school, such distance being that established by § 49-6-2101, for state-funded school transportation, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(3) A person convicted of prostitution within one and one-half (1½) miles of a school shall, in addition to any other authorized punishment, be sentenced to at least seven (7) days of incarceration and be fined at least one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(c) As used in subsection (b), “school” means all public and private schools that conduct classes in any grade from kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12).
Tennessee Code Annotated 39-13-514 (Patronizing Prostitution)
(a) A person commits an offense under this section who patronizes prostitution.
(b) (1) Patronizing prostitution is a Class B misdemeanor.
(2) Patronizing prostitution within one hundred feet (100¢) of a church or within one and one-half (1½) miles of a school, such distance being that established by § 49-6-2101, for state-funded school transportation, is a Class A misdemeanor.
(3) A person convicted of patronizing prostitution within one and one-half (1 ½) miles of a school shall, in addition to any other authorized punishment, be sentenced to at least seven (7) days of incarceration and be fined at least one thousand dollars ($1,000).
(c) As used in subsection (b), “school” means all public and private schools that conduct classes in any grade from kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12).
Tennessee Code Annotated 39-13-515 (Promoting Prostitution)
A person commits an offense under this section who promotes prostitution. Promoting prostitution is a Class E felony.
Tennessee Code Annotated 39-13-516 (Aggravated Prostitution)
(a) A person commits aggravated prostitution when, knowing that such person is infected with HIV, the person engages in sexual activity as a business or is an inmate in a house of prostitution or loiters in a public place for the purpose of being hired to engage in sexual activity.
(b) For the purposes of this section, “HIV” means the human immunodeficiency virus or any other identified causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require that an infection with HIV has occurred in order for a person to have committed aggravated prostitution.
(d) Aggravated prostitution is a Class C felony.

424 Church St, Suite 2120A
Nashville, Tennessee 37219
Phone: (615) 829-8259