Much like a drivers license, a handgun carry permit in Tennessee is not a right, but a privilege which can be taken away, or not granted at all, to individuals in certain situations. The following list are a few situations which individuals should be aware of when resolving a criminal case in Tennessee and how that cases resolution could affect their ability to either obtain a carry permit, or could result in the suspension or revocation of their carry permit in Tennessee. Please note that this list is not all inclusive, but does address most of the situations which could affect a person facing a criminal charge in Tennessee. Always consult directly with a Tennessee lawyer about your particular situation.
List of Scenarios which render a person INELIGIBLE to obtaina carry permit
- Any felony conviction; (permanent bar to possession of firearms per Tennessee and Federal law)
- A conviction for a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence; (permanent bar to possession of firearms per Tennessee and Federal law)
- A conviction for misdemeanor stalking;
- Any open or pending felony case (until resolved);
- Subject to any Order of Protection (Civil / Pseudo-Criminal) (typically ineligible to possess firearms)
- A fugitive from justice (Active Criminal Warrants in Another State);
- Being a patient in a rehabilitation center in the past 10 years;
- Two or more DUI convictions in Tennessee, or any other state AND if an applicant has two or more DUI convictions, those convictions are within 5 years from the date of application;
List of Scenarios which will result in a Suspension or Revocation of a Carry Permit
- Being charged with any felony offense will result in a suspension, pending the disposition.
- If the permit holder is placed on pre-trial or judicial diversion (Suspended for a period of time equal to the diversionary period)
- A conviction for any Class A Misdemeanor will result in the suspension of a person’s carry permit while the persons’ sentence or probation is in effect. (T.C.A. 39-17-1352 (f)(1))
There are a number of other scenarios which could result in a person becoming ineligible for application or the suspension/revocation of a person’s Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit. Feel free to call our office at 615-829-8259 and discuss with one of our Tennessee Criminal Lawyers.